From the moment of conception, your body is changing. It is a 9-month-long journey that doesn’t end there. Birth is akin to a marathon and breastfeeding, especially long term breastfeeding (and the World Health Organisation, WHO, recommends at least 2 years) is akin to being a super-athlete! It should come as no surprise then that super-moms need super fuel in order to shine.
Moms have Super-Powers
Oxytocin is the hormone released when you reach orgasm. It is known as the love or bliss hormone. It is also present during childbirth, as well as every time you breastfeed. Consider yourself in a perpetual state of after-glow when you are breastfeeding. It’s the hormonal super-power we are gifted as mom’s to counterbalance the sleepless nights and consistent energy demands of motherhood. It is no wonder moms (even tired ones) have an unmistakable radiant glow about them. The demands of growing your baby and then the continued demands of nourishing your baby from your breast are all-too-often overlooked. You’re burning hundreds of calories and you’re doing it multiple times a day.
If you think about it in that way, mamas are super-athletes and as all good super-athletes know: you have to take in top quality nutrients if you want to functional optimally on a daily basis!
My baby is just over a year and these have been my Top 5 go-to superfoods to keep me feeling strong, energized and happy throughout pregnancy, birth, post-partum and the first year.
Organic Spirulina with no trace metals
I start my day off with 500ml of water and 10-15 spirulina tablets.
The importance of hydration and protein requirements throughout the pregnancy, post-partum and breastfeeding years cannot be overemphasized.
I like to make sure I get off to a great start so I’ve made it a habit to get at least 500ml of water in straight away along with my spirulina protein boost. If you start your day off with high quality, absorbable protein such as spirulina it helps to curbs sugar cravings. Whilst you need to keep your calorie intake high for good milk production, if you want to protect your waistline it’s best to avoid the sugary-treats. Whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding you are growing a baby so you need good quality protein.
The Green Alkaliser
The Green Alkaliser is a combination of wheatgrass, barley grass, moringa, baobab and hemp protein powders. I love the it and chase my spirulina intake with a glass of this energising super-fuel. I take 1-2 T either plain in water or juice. The green powders are excellent for alkalising and energising the body, providing the body with a broad spectrum mineral base from which to draw upon, as well as baobab for good calcium and prebiotics, plus more readily absorbable protein in the form of hemp protein powder.
Super Chia
For breakfast I have Super Chia with hemp milk. Not only is Super Chia loaded with 8 different superfoods giving you a wide range of vitamins and minerals essential to growing a healthy baby including protein, calcium and those important omega 3’s; but it has one extra special feature that tops all the rest and is essential for busy super-moms: it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare! All you do is add water or your favourite nut/seed milk to your Super Chia. Stir until well mixed and wait 5 minutes to thicken.
Organic Hemp Seeds
Organic Hemp seeds are probably the most versatile of all the superfoods; I eat and I use them daily. Growing a baby and breastfeeding a baby requires a lot of good fats – ie. essential fatty acids or EFA’s which hemp seeds provide . It contains omega 3 and 6 EFA’s in a unique, near perfect ratio for human nutritional needs. They contain all 20 known amino acids and contain 30% pure digestible protein as well as being a good source of lecithin which supports hormone balancing and
building baby’s brain, as well as being the essential antidote to Mom’s ‘baby brain’ fuzz. I usually make a hemp milk and pour it over my Super Chia or use it as a base for smoothies. I often make a savoury hemp sauce and pour it over veggies or as a salad dressing.
Super Berries
Berries are low in sugar and high in antioxidants providing the perfect energy boost when you need it. Antioxidants help keep you looking and feeling young so you can keep up with your lively little ones. My favourites are Soaring Free Superfoods Goji Berries , Golden Berries and the new Berry Delight Super Shake. I generally snack on gojis and golden berries whenever I need a pick-me-up during the day, and I love making a Berry Delight smoothie to enjoy with my family in the mid afternoon, to keep us going till dinner. The pure delicious zing of strawberries, raspberries and acai powders awaken the senses just when you need it most.